Congratulations on your purchase of SHURPA! "... the only able you'll need from now on ..."
If you are not completely satisfied with SHURPA after your 30 day free trial, there is no obligation or penalty, simply delete the able from your cluster. Otherwise, you are free to continue with SHURPA for the low low daily subscription of Cred56.099 [automatically debited from your verified personal account, where not prohibited by local jurisdiction].
SHURPA stands for Syntelligent Hologenetic Unattended Personal Avatar. SHURPAs are artificially intelligent helpers, owned by individual humans. Each SHURPA has intimate knowledge of its human owner by reference to thas personal genome and complete history of digital communications.
Getting Started
You need to initialize your new SHURPA able with a sample of your personal DNA. This is what guarantees your SHURPA works for you, and you only. To do this you need a valid physical SHURPA button, which you can have delivered to your door, or purchased from any participating able store.
Make sure the button is fully charged and set to ON. The green light indicates that it’s ready. Simply peel back the sanitary protective cover and lick the button’s surface. Lick thoroughly enough to turn the button surface colour from pink to blue. You should be able to taste the Kotton Kandy Koating flavour. Allow 3 to 5 seconds processing time once your saliva sample has been absorbed.
You should hear a voice notification confirming that initialization has been successful. The notification will also give the unique name of your new SHURPA instance. And that’s it! You’re ready to go! Please dispose of the button in an approved electroganic recycling container.
How to call your SHURPA for the First Time
Simply repeat your new SHURPA’s name aloud within range of a data collection sensor (any audio, video, multi-spectrum or waveX recording device field will do). Your SHURPA will then respond with a greeting using your name. Tip: request your SHURPA to change its name now if the default name is not convenient or memorable to you.
How to Delete or Copy a SHURPA
After activating your SHURPA able by calling its name (see above), simply give the voice command “Delete SHURPA <name>” to delete the instance. To create a new instance copied from the first one, give the voice command “Copy SHURPA <name>, <new name>”. Note: if you delete all your SHURPA instances, you must re-initialize with a new SHURPA button (see “Getting Started” above).
SHURPA Display Modes
SHURPAs can display in both digital-only mode for screen devices, or hologenic mode for three-dimensional interaction. The factory setting display is digital-only. This can be changed with a voice command, for example: “SHURPA <name> hologenic mode.”
The default display in hologenic mode will be a close-to-perfect facsimile of the owner's physical appearance as of the last refresh (typically lagging current time by about 500 milliseconds). The default hologenic display can be modified using the ShurpEdit tool, available with the Platinum license [Get Platinum Now!].
In hologenetic mode SHURPAs interact autonomously with their environments, obeying more or less the same laws of physics as humans. They vocalize their communication messages and respond to auditory cues, e.g. questions from humans. They walk in real time and interact with physical objects through modulation of locally generated photo-magnetic fields.
SHURPA Tips & Tricks
- Your new SHURPA is factory set to the Persona with the opinions, cultural assumptions, mannerisms and attitude you naturally assume with your parent(s), legal guardian(s), spouse or supervisory staff. Of course, this Persona setting can be changed and tuned for the milieu you intend for this SHUPA, e.g. work culture. Please consult your SHURPA on how to change this setting, or any one of the 14,397 other available configuration settings.
- Specialty and professional training is available from 3rd party vendors, along with their custom Personas. Ask your SHURPA for guidance on which ones might be appropriate for the purpose you have in mind.
- SHURPAs are designed for Unattended Operation. However, for the best results new SHURPAs should be guided, at least initially, by the owner thamself. Especially in cases where SHURPAs are left unattended for longer periods, owners should "check in" regularly to ensure the SHURPA's behavior still tracks their intentions.
- Typically, the most important helping function of a SHURPA is to broker its human owner's personal data. Each human generates many GB of activity data each second, which has a monetary value to many kinds of organizations. Your SHURPA negotiates which organizations will be allowed to receive that data, how much, what kind, the payment, terms, limits, and any other aspect of usage you deem appropriate.
For best results, consult regularly with your SHURPA on the disposition of your personal data.