Background to the story:

Friday, July 3, 2020

Chapter: Monday, Scene 4
EagerShine's debut

EagerShine.shurpa stood in the hallway outside Board Room B adjusting his Edgar of New York bowtie in the reflection of a polished stainless steel corporate logo plaque. "I am in position, about to enter the meeting room," tha communicated silently to Eager back at the apartment.

"Roger," replied Eager on their private communication channel. "Keep the video open; I want to see and hear what's going on. We're on semi-auto now, but you're driving this buggy. I want you to pick up on social/cultural cues and respond in a way that makes us look good. Got that?"

"Affirmative," replied EagerShine.shurpa.

"Do you have the list of attendees?"

"I have the list. I have also ingested all available data on these subjects from biographical, medical, legal, financial, educational, political and psychological sources. I will correlate that with the real time conversation to optimize for maximum positive impression," communicated EagerShine.shurpa

"Exemplar!" said Eager. "Ok, you're one minute late, so you'd better get in there. Good luck."

EagerShine.shurpa stepped through the doorway with a winning smile and moved directly to Forge's side with thas hand outstretched, "Forge, I assume. I am extraordinarily joyful to meet you."

Forge looked up with a slightly confused expression. "You're a shurpa ... sorry, I was expecting ... and two minutes late. Well, please find a seat. We're all here, so let's begin."

Forge closed a notebook on the table in front of tham, then looked up at the faces around the table. "Contenders, I really don't want to throw cold water on you first thing, but I have to say that since this is our initial meeting, I hoped everyone would attend in person. Eager and Walf," tha said, glancing at the shurpa seated to thas left, "have seen fit to send shurpas in their places. I can only assume they're extremely well trained. Let's hope so anyway."

"Forge appears disappointed and angry," EagerShine communicated silently to Eager.

"I got that too," replied Eager. "Just keep smiling. Tha will forget about this later when we dazzle tham with superior ability."

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