Once the others had left the board room Forge slid thas briefcase along the table to the chair next to Lincoln, then sat down. "Well, what do you think of our new team?" tha asked.
"By the way, Forge, what was that about the orchard ladder?" asked Lincoln.
Forge stared blankly for a second, then Lincoln continued, "Forge, I'm getting a warm fuzzy feeling about your group, and that is NOT a good thing. This isn't some kind of Integra Yoga class where we all do relaxation exercises and then congratulate each other on being nice people. No, this is business. We're trying to get things done and make some money. Do you get what I mean?"
"I don't know, Lincoln," said Forge. "I thought we were all getting along well."
"I don't think you understand. I don't want to see 'getting along well'. I want to see everyone on full alert and digging as if their lives depended on it, which, in a way, they do. I want to see sweat. I want to see worry. I want to see fear," said Lincoln.
"My plan is to drive home the message in our next meeting, which is ..."
"Forge, do you know the ancient Chinese proverb, 'Kill the chicken to scare the monkey'?" asked Lincoln.
"I don't think so," said Forge. "But I'll look it up as soon as ..."
The door to the meeting room opened a few inches and a face appeared in the gap. "Oh, you're still here. Sorry, I have this room booked," said a young man with a narrow face.
"It's ok, step in here a minute please. What's your name?" asked Lincoln.
"My name is Linus," said the young man.
"Thank you Linus. And I assume you're on EAN, I mean Employ-As-Needed?" said Lincoln.
"Yes, that's right," said Linus.
"Well then Linus, I'm afraid your services will no longer be needed." Lincoln turned to the board room table microphone and said, "Security, this is Lincoln in Board Room B. Linus is here with me now. Will you please escort tham to the perimeter immediately?"
"Excuse me, Mr. Lincoln," said Linus, "you're welcome to stay in this room as long as you need. I'm sure I can delay my meeting. I'll just re-book, it's really no problem ..."
Two security shurpas appeared in the doorway behind Linus and took hold of thas arms. "Hey! Hey, wait a minute," tha shouted, "What about my things? Can't I go to my desk?" Then tha was abruptly turned and marched away along the hallway.
"Now, where was I?" asked Lincoln turning back to Forge. "Ah yes, the monkey and the chicken. Well, I think you get the gist of it." With that tha stood and left the room.