Background to the story:

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Chapter: Monday, Scene 14
Social Committee

"Eager," said EagerOrga.shurpa, "You have a new invitation for a virtual venue chat in 5 minutes. This looks relevant and you have no conflicts."

"Hmm, specs?" asked Eager.


"The invitation is from Sarba, your BigCorp colleague. Others invited: Lyre and Walf. Topic: Social Committee first meeting. Mode: shurpa manual. Theme: paleo campfire."

"Paleo campfile?" said Eager.

"That must be the virtual venue backdrop," said EagerOrga.shurpa. "We have a selection of bear skin costumes which might be appropriate. I'll choose one for EagerShine. It can be switched in situ if necessary."

"Ok EagerShine, let's find out what they want. You're back on deck. This will be manual mode, so I'll do all the talking and control your gestures, but I'll ask for your analysis later.

"Very well Eager," said EagerShine.shurpa.

"Sending now," said EagerOrga.shurpa. EagerShine.shurpa disappeared and Eager sat down on the couch in front of thas shurpa controls and holographic display screens. Tha adjusted the screens for 360 degree spherical view, max resolution, then settled back to examine the simulation.

*  *  *

The first thing Eager saw was a campfire in a forest clearing. Through a stand of tall fir trees, tha could see a lake with sunlight playing lazily on the wavelets. Beyond were purple mountains with snow covered peaks. Behind him were the dappled greens of a thick and primeval forest. Indicators suggested a gentle breeze fragrant with wild flower blossoms.

Three other figures sat cross-legged on the ground around the campfire. One of them waved and the two others turned to look at tham. Eager applied the controls causing EagerShine.shurpa to walk towards the fire and wave a greeting in return. 

As EagerShine.shurpa came closer, tha recognized the shurpa representations of Lyre, Sarba and Walf, all dressed in costumes on the neolithic theme. Lyre wore a buckskin dress with elaborate headdress of eagle feathers and a bone necklace.

"Hey, cool venue! Nice necklace!" said Eager, speaking into thas headset, generating the sound data which was transmitted to EagerShine.shurpa in real time and displayed on thas presentation layer, along with a facial smile gesture and arm wave.

"Welcome Eager," said Sarba. "I'm so glad you could make it. I just thought we should get together in a private place, without BigCorp management. The Social Committee is our responsibility." Walf and Lyre both nodded their simulated heads in agreement.

"I hope you like paleo. Walf put all this together." continued Sarba. 

"This is my baseline space," said Walf. "I come here to clear my mind and see things in perspective. Try looking into the fire for a while. It's the original technology, you know."

"Concord, Walf," said Eager. "I've heard they're good, but how does it connect?"

"I like it a lot Walf," said Lyre, "This is deserving for contemplation, but I think we should meet somewhere in person at least once or twice, don't you think?" asked Lyre, glancing at EagerShine. shurpa. "What about that pub, the Jolly Robot?"

"Just what I was going to say," said Eager.

"Ok, next time in person at the Jolly Robot," said Sarba. "That's really all I wanted to do for this meeting; it's just a check-in. Thanks for coming. See you at work tomorrow."

"Thanks for the invitation. Bye," said Lyre, disappearing.

"Walf and I are going for a swim in the lake. It's really amazing if you have skin sensation pickups. Want to join us?" Sarba asked EagerShine.shurpa.

"Next time. I have to take care of some things right now. Thanks, and see you soon." replied Eager, exiting the virtual venue.

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