Background to the story:

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Chapter: Tuesday, Scene 23
Holiday in PV

The noise level in the Jolly Robot cranked up another notch. Someone in the crowd turned sharply and hit Eager's head with a loose elbow. Which reminded tham to go to the washroom and splash some cold water on tham face. When tha got back Lyre was sitting on the other side of the booth. Walf and Sarba were gone.

"They left?"

"They said something about an old aunt, but I think they were just getting horny," said Lyre.

"They are so lucky to have each other," said Eager.

"Yes," said Lyre. "But they'd better be careful about Mother."

"You know, it seems so unfair that BigCorp would try to crush innocent young lovers like them. Where is the harm? As long as they're doing their jobs, why should it be anybody's business what they do on their own time?"

“It’s a liability thing. If the relationship goes sour and then one of them accuses the other of extraneous conduct, then BigCorp is responsible? I don’t know,” said Lyre.

"True, it could complicate things. But still, all relationships are complicated. What gives BigCorp the right to control private relationships between Associates? It's a gross violation of our personal rights."

“Maybe,” said Lyre. “I guess everyone wants a stake in our personal relationships. Family, church, school, government. BigCorp is just at the head of the line in this case.”

"Exactly. And we have to fight them off or they’ll take over completely. Wouldn't it be sad if, let's just say for example, you and I were meant for each other. All we wanted in the world was to be together. But somebody said we couldn't because of irrelevant rules dreamed up by some insurance shurpa?"

Lyre stared for a second, then burst out laughing. "Meant for each other? Like Romeo and Juliet? Was that a proposition, Eager? I've never heard that one before."

Eager smiled. "Well, you are a rebel. And extremely attractive."

"You don't even know me."

"Actually, I do. My shurpas have been combing through your personal data all day. And don't say you haven't been doing the same with mine."

"But I'm sorry," said Eager, suddenly looking contrite and slapping thamself in the face. "You caught me. My imagination was getting a little carried away. I really do think it's important that we work well together. I think we can be a great team."

"Thanks, I think so too," said Lyre. "But now you don't think we're meant for each other? No Romeo and Juliet? Or that I'm extremely attractive?"

Eager smiled, "Now you're teasing me."

"Well, I think you are extremely attractive, even more than EagerShine" said Lyre, leaning across the table and gently pushing a loose hair from Eager's forehead.

"Thank you," said Eager. "You can tease me all you want."

*          *          *

Out on the street, Eager took a deep breath and faced up, into the falling drizzle. "Ah, that feels better. I was getting a little woozy in there. So, which way are you headed?"

"The West End," said Lyre, "walking distance. It'll be good to get some air."

"Me too," said Eager, "We must be neighbours. I'll walk with you."

"Thanks," said Lyre. "Let's not take the FLO. We can just amble for a while."

"'Amble', that's a nice word," said Eager. "People don't do much of that anymore."

"No, but I think it's good to slow down sometimes and just let your mind wander. See what comes up. What do you do in Mexico? I mean, what would we do if I went there with you?" 

“Now that is inspired! We could have a great time in Mexico. I go there a lot.”

"Let's take an imaginary trip there, right now. That would be fun, don't you think? And it's a really cheap way to go."

“SHURPA Charlotte,” called Lyre telecranially.

“Ready Damsire,” responded Charlotte.shurpa, Lyre’s personal assistant.

“Charlotte, can you enquire about Eager’s bio readings? What is tham heart rate now?”

Charlotte.shurpa opened an encrypted communication channel with EagerShine.shurpa and requested Eager’s real time bio readings.

“Eager,” called EagerShine telecranially, “Lyre has requested your bio readings. How should I respond?”

“Say we’ll allow ours if they allow theirs too,” said Eager silently. “Oh, and EagerShine, just stand by. I might need a 2nd opinion on this conversation.”

EagerShine.shurpa responded to Charlotte.shurpa with Eager’s proposal. Lyre accepted with a non-copy, non-disclosure agreement for both sides. The two shurpas initiated encrypted data flows to each other containing 2,681 distinct current biological measures on their respective human owners, updated each second.

“Why do you want my bio readings? Eager asked Lyre vocally.

“Just checking if your organs are ready for a transplant,” said Lyre, smiling “Sorry, that was a little joke. I just want to check your physical reactions to our little fantasy trip in Mexico. To see how well we’re getting along. Is that ok?”

“This is some sort of compatibility test? Oh well, go right ahead,” said Eager, “Tonight you can have anything you want from me. How are we doing so far?”

“Right now, you have an elevated level of serotonin in your brain, which is probably making you feel abnormally happy. In other words, you’re a bit drunk. Let’s make the most of the good mood,” said Lyre.

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