Background to the story:

Monday, February 1, 2021

Chapter: Tuesday, Scene 24
At the PV airport

 “Ok, what about this trip to Mexico? What’s happening there?” asked Eager.

“We’re flying to Mexico. I’ve never been, so you’re going to show me around. Oh look, now we’ve landed at the airport. Where are we?” asked Lyre.

"Puerto Vallarta."

"Ok, we're at the Puerto Vallarta airport. It’s beautiful. I can see palm trees. Where do we get a taxi? Do you have a hotel booked, or something? Where do we stay?

"Yes, I have a room booked at a little hotel downtown, by the beach, called Casa Roma. It's not fancy, but the rooms are big and there is a breeze off the ocean. Should I call and get you a room there too?" asked Eager.

“No, we’re staying together.”

“Damsire, Eager’s heart rate has increased significantly,” said Charlotte.shurpa silently to Lyre.

“EagerShine, do you think Lyre is trying to seduce me?” asked Eager silently. “I mean, I’m not complaining, I like that idea, but are we getting into dangerous territory here? Can we trust her?”

“I do not detect a threatening situation,” replied EagerShine silently. “My analysis is that you and Lyre are negotiating a conversational engagement. Tha has just made a proposal. You must agree, or offer a counter-proposal, or break off the engagement,” replied EagerShine silently.

Eager replied vocally to Lyre, “Well, that’s interesting. Can you give me a little more context? ‘Together’ as in roommates? Or are we lovers? I mean, imaginatively speaking.”

“We’re lovers,” said Lyre giggling slightly. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“EagerShine help!” called Eager silently. “This getting a little too real. Suddenly it feels like a trap.” said Eager silently.

“Repeating my previous analysis, if you want to break off this engagement, then give salutations, excuse yourself and walk away. Otherwise, you may offer a counter-proposal more in line with your own objectives,” said EagerShine.shurpa silently.

“Charlotte, what is Eager’s emotional state now?” said Lyre silently. “Tha looks a little shocked. Did I pull tham too far out of thas comfort zone.”

“Eager’s primary brain activity has shifted into thas anterior cortex, indicating apprehension,” replied Charlotte.shurpa silently. “We may anticipate a ‘fight or flight’ response if tha can’t see a less urgent alternative.”

“I’m sorry Eager,” Lyre said soothingly to Eager, “We can just be good friends on this trip, if you want. It's just a team-building exercise, an opportunity to use your imagination. But I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.”

“Uh, you just took me by surprise,” replied Eager. “I wasn’t expecting that. But yeah, sure, why not? Let’s try being imaginary lovers. One condition: you can’t hold me to any promises I might make in Mexico. I don’t want any misunderstandings. When we get back to Vancouver, it’s over. Ok?”

"Well, I hope we can learn something about each other. But it's a deal. The whole party will disappear at midnight. As if it never existed. " Lyre checked her phone. "It's 7:20 now. That means we have four hours and forty minutes to get acclimatized.”

“Tha is playing me like a guitar, and tha is a virtuoso, EagerShine. I need to you keep an eye on this situation. Warn me if you see anything that could be used for blackmail,” said Eager silently. "Meanwhile, I'm just going to luxuriate in the music."

“Eager’s apprehension level has dropped, but thas heart rate is still elevated,” said Charlotte.shurpa silently to Lyre.

“That’s good. We pulled tham back from the brink, Now let’s see if tha will eat out of my hand,” replied Lyre silently.

*          *          *

“I'm in your hands,” said Eager vocally to Lyre. “Just tell me what you want. Now, where were we?”

“We’re still at the airport. Where do we get a taxi?”

“We have to go through the Arrivals Hall. Let me carry your bag. There are taxi stands outside. I can get us a good rate,” said Eager.

“Stick with me,” continued Eager, his voice sounding more confident, “and you won’t have a thing to worry about. I know all the good places, where to go, what to see. My Spanish is passible. But since we’re new lovers, we’ll put the sight-seeing on hold for a while and just stay at the hotel. We’ll spend about three solid days in the room just doing it ... until we're at the point of exhaustion and starvation, finally satiated.”

“Eager, there is something I must tell you before we get into the taxi. I paid for my plane ticket and half the hotel. This is my holiday too. I am not an escort.”

“Sure, yeah, ok, I understand. Should I back off a bit? Deal. We’ll only do things we both want to do. What I want is for you to be blissfully happy on this trip.”

“Lyre giggled and slipped her arm through his. "Yes, that’s what I want. I trust you. So, the taxi drops us at the hotel. What do we see now?"

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